Random Sh*t

Suckage Comparisons

Okay, time to face the music and own up to it. All work sucks. I just gotta accept it and learn to live with it. It’s been hard because I’ve had jobs that didn’t suck, well, sucked less. C’est la vie! Le suckage is unavoidable so part of accepting that […]

Work sucks, again

Clearly I suck at choosing jobs it will be a good fit or I’ll make compromises that I think will sort themselves out, and they don’t. I actually think the later is my problem. I’m making compromises to “get the job” with the assumption that I’ll demonstrate my abilities, the […]

Bones Break

Bones break, thoughts torment, and despair lurks around each corner. Is it strength to be impervious to these things? To never show weakness? To heal after they occur? Or is strength simply moving forward, knowing you will experience them. Then again. And again. And again? Sway is like a diamond […]