Or is it? I’m open-minded and super curious about acupuncture. We are currently looking for an Acupuncturist ing Kingston as an alternative form of therapy. The Ontario medical system is failing right now so while we wait, we’re exploring alternative therapies like Acupuncture.
Now Acupuncture is not new to Sway. She has gone for many sessions and they have helped her in the past. I’ve waited for her and have seen the almost immediate change. Opening meridians within the body leading to better health.. I’m super curious!
Sway has a more immediate need for treatment. She is really struggling to get help, I don’t think we’ve got a great family doctor and with covid…. seems like everyone is only working half the time. That doesn’t mean our health is only half as important! Rather then bitch about our situation, I remembered how Acupuncture made a difference for Sway before, why not now?
As I’ve done more research, I’m really starting to think I could benefit from some needles. Fatigue, balance, consitpation, yup. And Acupuncture seems like a cool way to explore getting better. First we’ll start with Sway, find a good acupuncturist, and then I think I’ll give it a whirl!