I enjoy thinking about new and unqiue marketing challenges. There is something about looking at a product or service (new or emerging) and finding the best way to sell it, exciting!
My approach is simple. Why would this particular segment use product? Are there other segments that might use it? If so, why would they use it? Then I demonstrate specifically how the product will satisfy the why.
But that’s not all!
I will also learn how we want the consumer to feel when using the product. What emotion do we want them to experience when they’re using it? People are controlled by their emotions, after all 😉
Then I ask will the combination of why the customer wants the product and how we want to feel one that is desireable enough for the customer to pay the asking price? If not I will dive deeper into the why so it becomes a must have. Then I will tailor the feelings to reinforce the must have.
Do you need to have it yet? If the answer is no, I’ll rework those components again and again until you answer yes. The journey doesn’t stop there. I’ll want a second yes, a third yes, basically as many yeses ans I can get from you. When I’ve gotten enough yeses from that customer segment, then I start creating the right situation for another market segment to compulsively say yes to the product, then another, then another, and…
Okay, maybe my approach isn’t all that simple but it works when we have a good product. Does the product have to be the most innovative and amazing product on the market? Nope, it just needs to deliver the right promise and make the consumer feel the right way to be successful.
Think of toasters. Almost every house has one. All of them do a simple job and yet they will all burn toast and eventually break. They generally door a poor job but we still need to have them. Some cost $15, some cost $150, some will take bagels, some will toast on just one side or both if you choose, but they all have heating coils that warm bread until it gets brown (or black).
The difference? Marketing 😀
Photo by Charlotte May from Pexels