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Is the cure worse than the disease?

Many drugs cause side effects. When treating bipolar disorder, the standard treatment involves a cocktail of drugs designed to work togethr. One stabilize mood to minimize the swings, another to manage mania, a third to manage depression, sometimes a sleep aid, sometimes anti-anxiety, and then additional drugs to manage the side effects.

There are so many drugs involved I’m sure they have to take a toll. Sway has been feeling sick, down right ill, for years. Nasea, fatigue, stomach pain, gastro-intenstinal stress and more. Are those new symptoms related to a different medical condition? Or are they side effects of a massive drug load?

It’s something we’d like to find out. Together with her psychiatrist, we want to start exploring the impact of the medication. Her bipolar may be somewhat managed but her quality of life is terrible. Constantly feeling ill is deepening her depression and feelings of hopelessness!

Not sure what the next steps are, but we both ready for a change.

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